Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Details, Details, Details

Bonnie and I captured the celebration of a fun couple at a unique location tucked away on a hill that overlooks Austin. House on a Hill is a beautiful venue that provides rooms for your guests while they attend your wedding. I thought I would dedicate this post to one of my favorite things to photograph at weddings...the story of this wedding day is all in the details.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Veterans Day

No matter your politics, Veterans Day is an important day to commemorate all those who have, and currently are serving our country in the military. It was an honor recently to capture a few portraits for a family, Bonnie and I have come to know over the past few years. Dad had a few weeks to be with his family on leave from Afghanistan. I can't begin to express my graditude for his service to our country, and hope these images offer a small token of thanks for this family's sacrifce, a debt I will always feel we can never truly repay.

My favorite from the session

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

We've been busy!

Its been a bit of a delay in posting. I really am trying to make the blog thing happen on a daily or at least weekly basis. Its not for a lack of trying just too much going on and a time crunch. At any rate here is whats up at D&B! Lets start with a wedding on September 29th.

Penny & Matt were married at a unique venue, The Clark Home in Taylor, Texas has been in Penny's family for many years. This historic location is an excellent location for intimate weddings in comfortable surroundings.

Elegant way to put
"going away" bubbles
on display

I like Bonnie's "eye" in
this image

Nothing like relaxing before the ceremony, you know
soaking up some rush

A beautiful bride, with a little
sparkle in her eye!

Penny with her maids

Penny and Matt wanted to start
the processional in a unique way
guys arriving by pickup truck!

Greeted by the ladies in waiting!

The ceremony begins and then....

rain...everyone gathered together on the porch, no one was fazed by the downpour especially Matt...

or Penny...both were all smiles!

A romantic moment

It was a beautiful day in Taylor with a wonderful couple...